Entice, Repel? 2016

Alluring, 2016

Alluring, 2016

WARNING! Objects may look edible. Dangerous if consumed.

Entice, Repel? 2016, was Ellie Niblock’s first solo exhibition, which demonstrated the deceptive qualities of beauty through the use of sculpture, video and drawing. Ellie took the idea of something being repellent and reinterpreted it as beautiful. The combination of love and desire and the Venus fly trap, were the main sources of inspiration. The notion that something attractive can easily seduce, using beauty as trickery, to hypnotise and lure in and this was recognised in this exhibition. The viewer’s response to each piece highlighted the paradox of entice and repel.

Each object is created using a unique approach to making. Original process, techniques and materials were used, that produced contrasting elements to the work. Like hard and soft, smooth and textured, or slimy and dry. The vibrant colours and peculiar surfaces lure the viewer in, to look closer, and fulfil an unknown desire.